Click on UNIT NAME on the top left section of the list to see units organized per type.
Where the character or the unit has a proper noun or distinctive feature, this will be displayed in (parentheses).
If the model is a different one or an alternative version of what the standard is it'll be in [brackets].
The point cost is only for the base model and any visible equipment already sculpted/attached and it includes command group for rank and files units; it does not include "invisible" upgrades such as runic/magic items, nor does it include points for shields when these are part of the movement tray and not the model itself.
Artillery pieces are inclusive of at least 3 crew members.
I have dozens more of characters and individual crew members but I've only listed those miniatures that I could remember or were on my work space at the time of writing the list down.
There's also a handful of individual dwarfs from different manufacturer already painted and integrated into units that will not appear as separate entries. this is especially true for musicians and unit champions.
The "Assorted dwarfs" at the bottom won't be placed into a single unit but will instead used to round up the inevitable mistakes I've made in counting miniatures and calculating units size.
The [acronims] are as follow:
BFSP - Battle for Skull Pass; 7th edition starter set. All plastic models
BHT - Black Hat miniatures. All metal models.
BTD - Black Tree Design. All metal models
CPM - CP miniatures. All metal models.
EM4 - EM4 miniatures. All plastic models.
HM - Highlands Miniatures. 3D printed models. Resin.
RM - Reaper Miniatures. Either metal or "bone" plastic.
RPE - Ral Partha Europe. All metal models
AoW - Avatars of War. Plastic troops, metal characters.
Molti meno modelli di quelli che pensavo, menomale.
Comunque un bordello di nani da dipingere.
Project Statistics▼
Total Points
Total Models
Points Complete
Models Complete
Model Count
1 Lord - DaemonSlayer 1 (Aurelio Mangiante)
1 Lord - DaemonSlayer 2
1 Lord - Lord on Shieldbearers 1 (Shield)
1 Lord - Lord on Shieldbearers 2 (Great weapon)
1 Lord - Lord on Shieldbearers 3 (Great weapon) [BHM]